Creative campaign for the 2022 Karma GS-6 electric vehicle. 

Karma Automotive is a luxury vehicle company that engineers, designs and manufactures extended-range electric vehicles in Southern California.

This campaign is for the 2022 Karma GS-6. 

With our previous vehicle averaging a price of $150,000, the typical Karma buyer is naturally very affluent. Most owners would purchase their Karma as their seventh vehicle. Karma’s strategy was to shift downmarket, from $150k to $70k, bringing the vehicle within reach of a much broader audience. 

This shift in pricing moved the potential buyers from 1%er to middle class families. The target audience became married couples in their 40s-50s, 1-2 kids, looking to transition from a commuter car to something more luxurious. 

Print Ads - one page & two page spreads


At the time, lots of competitors used cold, robotic ads to sell their cars. Lots of features to be sold, but no soul. The landscape was very reserved, nobody really pushing boundaries. Thankfully, Karma was at the size and capturing the market where we could afford to take chances and be more outrageous with the launch of the GS-6.

This is how we got Hyperreal


Most online car enthusiasts will compare specs all day, but that doesn’t reflect how people shop for vehicles. Car purchases are an incredibly emotional choice, and the concept behind HYPERREAL is to capitalize on this emotion. As one of the most attractive electric sedans on the market, the design tugs at peoples’ heartstrings. We want to show that Karma is more than just specs on a sheet. We are Charged Emotion. Beyond EV. 


This campaign was also featured on Volta chargers. Volta makes free-to-use chargers with 55" displays for advertisements. These chargers are placed in high-traffic areas, with Karma ads being shown outside upscale locations, such as Whole Foods Markets and Saks Fifth Avenue.


There are two levels of messaging hierarchy with these ads. Because the screens are so large, the vehicle visuals are used to draw the attention of people passing by, whether driving or walking. A more nuanced message is presented to those who are using the charger or walking up to get more information on the vehicle. 
